| AMI Publishers
AMI Publishers
A Division of: The American Meditation Institute, Inc.
501(c)(3) Non Profit Educational Organization
PO Box 430, Averill Park, NY 12018

On Enlightenment - Thought for the Week - 8/26/2024; "Dispelling Darkness" by ©Jenness Cortez. “As the rising sun spontaneously awakens the world, enlightenment reveals inner intuitive wisdom, delivering creative solutions without your effort.” -- Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev)

On Enlightenment – Thought for the Week – 8/26/2024; “Dispelling Darkness” by ©Jenness Cortez. “As the rising sun spontaneously awakens the world, enlightenment reveals inner intuitive wisdom, delivering creative solutions without your effort.” — Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev)