“Grace Beyond Circumstance” by ©Jenness Cortez | AMI Publishers
AMI Publishers
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On Enlightenment - Thought for the Week - 10/28/2024; "Grace Beyond Circumstance" by ©Jenness Cortez. “In a world that constantly changes, be grateful, for it is in utter darkness that we begin to grope for Light, it is in the midst of incivility that we begin to yearn for Love, and it is in the face of unrelenting lies that we begin the search for Truth.” -- Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev)

On Enlightenment – Thought for the Week – 10/28/2024; “Grace Beyond Circumstance” by ©Jenness Cortez. “In a world that constantly changes, be grateful, for it is in utter darkness that we begin to grope for Light, it is in the midst of incivility that we begin to yearn for Love, and it is in the face of unrelenting lies that we begin the search for Truth.” — Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev)