“Creatures Great and Small” by ©Jenness Cortez | AMI Publishers
AMI Publishers
A Division of: The American Meditation Institute, Inc.
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PO Box 430, Averill Park, NY 12018

On Enlightenment - Thought for the Week - 11/11/2024; "Creatures Great and Small" by ©Jenness Cortez; “You are on an eternal journey with no beginning, no end, no past, and no future. All that exists is now – this auspicious moment containing an infinite number of possibilities to make your journey rewarding.” -- Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev)

On Enlightenment – Thought for the Week – 11/11/2024; “Creatures Great and Small” by ©Jenness Cortez; “You are on an eternal journey with no beginning, no end, no past, and no future. All that exists is now – this auspicious moment containing an infinite number of possibilities to make your journey rewarding.” — Leonard Perlmutter (Ram Lev)